Congreso de prevención del fraude y seguridad - ASOBANCARIA - Cartagena

The “Congreso de Prevención del Fraude y Seguridad” (Congress on Fraud Prevention and Security) organized by ASOBANCARIA in Cartagena is a significant event dedicated to addressing the challenges and advancements in fraud prevention and security within the financial industry.

Assembled by industry experts, professionals, and decision-makers, the congress features a comprehensive agenda covering various aspects of fraud detection, cybersecurity, risk management, and compliance. Attendees can participate in engaging discussions, presentations, and workshops, gaining insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in combating fraud and ensuring the security of financial services.

Incode’s revolutionary digital identification achieves:

  • Compliance with KYB, KYC and AML in real-time across borders
  • Automated, fully in-house developed workflows for seamless onboarding in minutes, not days
  • Certified, proven reduction in fraud attempts and continuous security optimization with Incode-developed passive liveness detection technology
  • Privacy-obsessed platform that secures customers’ sensitive data, winning trust”