
Incode’s revolutionary digital identification achieves:

  • Incode’s revolutionary digital identification achieves: – Compliance with KYB, KYC and AML in real-time across borders
  • Automated, fully in-house developed workflows for seamless onboarding in minutes, not days
  • Certified, proven reduction in fraud attempts and continuous security optimization with Incode-developed passive liveness detection technology
  • Privacy-obsessed platform that secures customers’ sensitive data, winning trust

Location: Bogota, Columbia
Date: April 13

One of three major ‘unconferences’ connecting the global fintech ecosystem, Colombia’s Unconference will be a chance to meet CEOs, change makers and leading pioneers in the fintech ecosystem.

Incode is a major partner for the Unconference and is named one of the fintech ecosystem leaders for 2023. Our pioneering technology reimagines trust in the financial ecosystem providing a powerful, secure, and convenient way to fight fraud and manage onboarding. Come and talk to us to find out what the future of authentication and verification will look like.