
know your customer aml

Top companies switch to Incode for our proven impact on fraud protection and growth

KYC/AML isn’t just a compliance checklist

It’s preventing fraud unique to the markets in which you operate – ensuring your security, compliance, and growth objectives are not just met, but guaranteed.

risk based

Global reach, local control

Your Incode solution is automatically kept up-to-date to be compliant with the latest KYC/AML requirements, no matter where you operate.

global reach

Risk-Based identity verification

Dynamic risk factors flag transactions or patterns specific to Financial Services, your customer profile, and your financial products.

no trade-off

No trade-off between growth and security

Say goodbye to false positives and only deny fraudsters and criminals targeting your organization.

Leverage intelligent automation for continuous AML vigilance throughout the customer lifecycle 

low risk icon

Low-risk, low-friction 

monitoring icon

Ongoing monitoring 

auditable records icon

Auditable KYC/AML records 

KYC/AML approach adapted to your specific business needs

business needs

Powering KYC/AML compliant growth with secure and efficient onboarding

How AML screening works

How AML screening works

Seamless Identity Verification

Quickly and accurately verify new customers to ensure they are who they say they are


How AML screening works

Global watchlist screening

Cross-check users against comprehensive and up-to-date watchlists


How AML screening works

In-depth risk analysis

Adverse media screening: surfaces any negative news related to a user’s public profile or past activities.

PEP screening: identify politically exposed persons (PEPs) and their associates

risk analysis

How AML screening works

Continuous monitoring throughout the customer lifecycle

Passive risk signals flag suspicious activity even after you onboard a new customer


Ready to take the first step towards secure identity verification? Let’s talk.