Know Your
Business (KYB)

Our KYB solution acts as your digital doorman, verifying the legitimacy of businesses before you start working with them.

know your business kyb

Top companies switch to Incode for our proven impact on fraud protection and growth

First impression matter

  • Fully automated onboarding experience keeps you compliant and genuine business customers happy.
  • Say goodbye to manual review of POA/LOA, we do this automatically without slowing down the onboarding.
  • Run watchlists and sanction checks in seconds with smart document extraction and automated analysis.

Proactive risk mitigation

Stop fraudulent accounts with comprehensive KYB checks.

Tax ID number


Watchlists screening

People matching and UBO

Shell company alerts


Inconsistent information flags

Negative news or adverse media checks

Global reach, local compliance.

Verify businesses and expand into new
markets across the globe

100% of IRS registered businesses in the US are covered with global database coverage in over 200+ countries.

Verify marketplaces


Ensure seller legitimacy
Boost marketplace integrity and reduce fraud risk by verifying businesses operating on your platform

Safeguard buyer transactions
Mitigate risks for buyers by verifying businesses before transactions are completed

Create and monitor your online banking

Online banking

Streamline Account Opening
Accelerate business account creation while ensuring compliance with thorough KYB checks, with the ability to step-up to UBO verification

Proactive Risk Monitoring
Continuously screen business accounts for changes in risk profile or suspicious activity

secure online payments

Online payments

Verify Merchant Identities
Reduce chargebacks and fraud by confirming the legitimacy of merchant businesses.

Transaction monitoring
Analyze transactions in real-time to detect and prevent fraudulent activity linked to business accounts.

crypto services

Crypto services

Comply with Regulations
Meet evolving KYC/AML requirements in the crypto space by verifying business entities.

Combat Financial Crime
Detect suspicious business accounts and transactions to reduce fraud and money laundering risks.

Non Doc Verification

Couple with our Non-Doc Verification of UBOs to verify businesses and their high-level employees

Non Doc Verification

Stay compliant with fast, efficient, fully automated KYB + KYC database checks

Verify beneficiaries with all the needed KYC checks to prevent fraud

Get up and running quickly with Incode’s flexible API and developer-friendly documentation

Our flexible API, developer-friendly documentation, and dedicated support team streamline the implementation process, minimizing the time and resources needed to deploy powerful business verification.

Ready to take the first step towards secure identity verification? Let’s talk.